
Using Virtual Reality for Teacher Education

Dr Sweta Mukherjee

Faculty, Indus Research and Training Institute

Image source: shutterstock

The use of Virtual reality or VR as an immersive technology in education has gained immense momentum over the years. It has been used in many educational scenarios to provide students the opportunity to learn a subject by living it. It is only natural then that teacher education programmes incorporate virtual reality into their learning design. Teacher education programmes need to be an exercise in experiential learning.  VR technology has the potential to revolutionise teacher education. It can be used to create real time classroom scenarios, and innovative virtual teaching environments, where teachers would need to make quick decisions, respond to the situation, and be prepared to teach in a real classroom. Using VR for teacher education can offer teachers the possibility of in-training feedback; the knowledge gained from this experiential process can then be transferred into real classrooms. Interestingly, VR can also be used to make teaching a more humane process. It can help teachers be a part of the reality of students, enter their positions, and understand their needs better. This role changing can eventually lead to increased empathy in teachers helping them to personalise the learning process. Teachers then would truly teach the child and not the subject!

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