
Transcending Disciplinary barriers in Education through an Interdisciplinary Approach

Dr K. Sumita Rao

Faculty, Indus Research and Training Institute

Interdisciplinary learning enables teachers and learners to make connections across learning through exploring clear and relevant links across the curriculum. It supports the use and application of what has been taught and learned in new and different ways. It provides opportunities for deepening learning in which learning is planned to develop awareness and understanding of the connections and differences across subject areas and disciplines. This can be through the knowledge and skill content, the ways of working, thinking, and critiquing a particular perspective of a subject or discipline. It also entails using learning from different subjects and disciplines to explore ideas with multifaceted dimensions of thinking with a view to solving a problem or completing a final project. This can be achieved by providing a context that is real and relevant, to the learners from a social, scientific, and philosophical perspective.

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To be interdisciplinary in its true sense, learning must support students in using knowledge and skills from different disciplines and in applying their learning in relevant contexts and further help them to make real connections across subjects and disciplines as found appropriate to enable them to solve real-world problems.

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