
Special schools for children with hearing loss

Dr. Vijetha Palnaty

Faculty, Indus Research and Training Institute

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After early intervention stage, the child with hearing loss has to move to the next higher level i.e., formal school education. Generally, children with hearing loss are enrolled in special schools and they may be divided into three types. Firstly, children with hearing loss with complex additional special needs, for example children with hearing loss and blindness.  Their needs and abilities might be very different as compared to other cohort of children with hearing loss that they would need special education training with individualized instruction and might find it challenging to cope in a regular school set up. The second type are those children with hearing loss who are very late identified and use sign language majorly for communication. They can be enrolled in special schools for the deaf and can be taught in sign language by a trained and qualified special educator.  And the third type of children with hearing loss are those who are capable to study in mainstream schools but are in need of thorough intensive training in basic education skills such as reading, writing and arithmetic.  In the third type of special schools, children with hearing loss will be prepared for a long duration to enroll to a regular school. Special schools for children with hearing loss have been valued for providing specialized training and content that is according to the specific learning needs of children with hearing loss. In simple words, special schools for children with hearing loss can be divided into three types

  • Special school for children with hearing loss with complex additional special needs
  • Special school for children with hearing loss with sign language and functional skills.
  • Preparatory special school for children with hearing loss (Preschool and Primary Education) to integrate them into regular schools.

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