
Research in a VUCA World

Dr K. Sumita Rao

Faculty, Indus Research and Training Institute

“There is no question that we are in a VUCA environment right now.” – Bob Leduc

Image source: shutterstock

Educational Research intends to find solutions to problems of education transcending the barriers of time and space and contexts. However, the changing landscape of the educational scenario across the world is evidenced because of the emergence of exponential technologies. Longitudinal studies in the educational paradigm are becoming redundant due to a loss of validity and reliability due to their inability to be contextualized. Therefore, there is a shift of focus on the part of the researchers of visualizing research problems that can be context-proof by the amalgamation of technology in education.

Technology and society are heavily interconnected, so faster changes in technology often translate to faster changes in society which is evident in the case of the United States. This change has gone to create chaos and uncertainty by creating a situation of VUCA. Bygone years created uncertainty around the world and affected students’ learning and eventually their academic performance, particularly in developing nations, which is no different from a VUCA context.

Learning lessons from the recent past, it can be forecasted that with growing automation, machines have the vigour and power to deprive opportunities that bring meaning and purpose to the lives of people’s careers across professions transcending geographical boundaries. Given this landscape of technology, overpowering human intelligence, the researchers should start exploring vistas of how technology can transform society for the better by improving decision-making, healthcare, transport, security, and education. Artificial intelligence can liberate humans from many tasks that would ordinarily be demanded of them, potentially returning us to a society that is “time enriched” instead of “time impoverished”. The focus then shifts from harnessing the essential advantages and at the same time becoming thoroughly prepared for the VUCA world.

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