
Be an Educated Outlier!

Dr. Pranav M. Joshirao

Faculty, Indus Research and Training Institute

Image source: shutterstock

History has witnessed that often it has been the outliers of the society who have done pathbreaking discoveries, who have contributed significantly towards the wellbeing of the planet. Some of these prominent personalities were outliers, wherein the meaning of outlier in this context is that they were extraordinarily talented and pursued hard to further develop their skills. Some of them might have been college drop-outs. Human beings have this tendency to pick-up all the wrong things from a person’s behaviour. For example – they will see that a person X was a college drop-out and then he/she created this huge empire. They naturally pick-up “being a college drop-out” as the step towards being successful. They are ignorant towards the fact that the person X had voluntarily developed his/her skills required for excelling in his /her area of expertise and had spent countless number of hours achieving that level of competency, outside the specified hours they spend towards formal education. It is their dedication towards the field of their interest that pushes them further to stop spending these formal education hours, and divert that saved time towards working on the field of their interest.

Education empowers an individual with the ability to think critically and creatively, and equips them with the necessary mental agility to make right decisions. It develops a threshold level of understanding of a variety of subjects in the person. To summarize, being an outlier is not an issue, but being a well-informed educated outlier is only going to help you achieve success in VUCA world!!

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